Artist resume
Robert M Birkenes resides in Greenbelt, Maryland. Innovative printmaker with a strong sense of composition, dedication to continuous learning, and a passion for inventing new tools and processes. Work explores the relationship between dynamic and static elements in the environment, juxtaposing subjects like birds and humans with architectural and natural landscapes. Abstract prints incorporate organic curves and textures inspired by nature and science, reflecting an appreciation for impermanence and the beauty found in decay. Informed by the artist's extensive world travel, compositions blend organic textures with architectural design, aiming to inspire viewers to see familiar environments in a new, dynamic way.
2024, Drypoint and relief prints of local wildlife and architecture (1st/2nd/3rd place), Greenbelt Labor Day Art Show
2024, Prints of dragons to celebrate Chinese New Year, New Deal Cafe, Greenbelt
2023, Historic architecture painting on aluminum, Laurel Art Guild Open
2024, Intuitive Composition Course, Pauline Jans Art
2023/4/5, Montpelier Printmaking Workshop, Laurel
2019, Drawing, Montgomery Community College, Silver Spring
2014, Street Photography & Composition, Art Photo Feature Magazine, Bangkok
Relief & intaglio printmaking
Acrylic & watercolor painting
Collaboration and teamwork
Innovation and problem-solving
Artistic concept development and execution
Branding and advertising
Community engagement